Sharon's Journey Through Life

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Welcome to Skywatch Friday. For more skies around the world, visit here.

This is another shot from the Bridle Trail on the way to Hill End. I just love the wispy clouds against the blus sky and the old fence rambling along.


The Write Girl said...

Hey Funky Fairy,

Great shot for sky watch friday.
I love your blog name and the polka dot layout is similar to my site. So cute : )

Annie said...

A good pikkie...I also like the ones below!

Unknown said...

That looks like a relaxing hill slope ... and sky too.

Martha Z said...

Very nice, it is rather like California in this dry year. Sometimes a dry landscape has more character.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

The old fence just makes the photo. Should we call it fairy fingers?

Sharon said...

Fairy fingers it is :-) Thanks for the title.

Guy D said...

Great skywatch shot Sharon, thanks for sharing.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Catherine said...

I just like your picture for the same reasons. Especially, the fence which is an important element of the composition.
Have a nice week-end.
Thanks to have visited me.

Louise said...

The sky is lovely, but I really love the somewhat barren hill. It reminds me of wandering around the fields with my brother and friends in my younger days. Pure happiness.

Michele said...

A nice photo, I like the old fences too, I always imagine what they were used for a long time ago, and how much more sturdier they were at one time...

Pearl Maple said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely photo with us all in Sky Watch Friday the rambling fence is a darling little feature and thanks for your kind comments on my blog earlier.

Arija said...

A nice Auzzie shot, I just wonder what that bit of fence was for.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Love your pictures the colours remind me so much when we lived on our grazing property. I have a great fondness for this golden, dry land with immensely blue skies. (A few wispy clouds are allowed!)

Girl Tornado said...

Looks like a special place for a hike or trail ride, great place for exploring!