Sharon's Journey Through Life

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

This is another photo from along the Bridle Trail - this time at Easter after a few days of light rain. It's remarkable how quickly it greens up again. It was simply beautiful up there but it seems that half of Sydney was out there camping.

For more Skywatch Friday photos visit here.


Firefly the Travel Guy said...

We are really into camping and that looks like a very nice spot to get out there.

Regina said...

Beautiful. Nice shot!

Pearl Maple said...

Beautiful views, how lucky to get away from daily routines and enjoy this view.

Small City Scenes said...

A really beautiful view. Things green up really fast after a rain. MB

Janie said...

Great shot and a beautiful view. I'm not surprised lots of people wanted to camp there.

Michele said...

It's really pretty and the green rolling hills is just awesome. I would be all over that area for camping!!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Sharon this is a beautiful picture of the greening country site. Many are so attracted to unspoilt nature, when they have spend all week in the city. To breath the good air scented with Eucalyptus trees, lemony or peppermint, wonderful.

Arija said...

Nice to see some green hills left at least in NSW. Victoria is such a sorry sight.

Louise said...

This is a masterpiece of photography. I LOVE the point of view. Excellent!