Sharon's Journey Through Life

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Tegan

Tegan has had plenty of dental work over the past six months. At thirteen, she still had six of her baby teeth, so she has slowly had them pulled out and a few fillings done too. Six months and a birthday later came the big one - braces. She had them put on about two weeks ago now and is slowly getting used to them. She hates the sore mouth that goes with them, but hopefully they will be off in twelve to eighteen months. It hasn't slowed her down on the phone though. I was trying to take a 'natural' photo of her on the phone and every time I pushed that little button on the camera she inadvertently made a stupid face. This one was a crack-up!

1 comment:

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

I too had braces and each time they were tightened it was agony!
And no 2 min noodles it makes the bands go fluro yellow!..Nice!

But worth it in the end,She will look a treat