Sharon's Journey Through Life

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Brenda's Photo Challenge - Sweets

Thanks Tegan for hosting this round of Brenda's Photo Challenge. It was a great excuse to buy an evil, naughty sugar fix :-) The photo above is from Central Markets in Adelaide, South Australia. There is so much choice that the girls could hardly decide what to have. Below are some shots of yummy M and M's. I had to hide them after the photos so that no-one would binge :-) Problem was, I knew where they where.


Donna said...

Oooooh, pass that bowl over here and I'll hide them for you! Yes, yes, I'll hide them so good you'll never see the little candies again! LOL!

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

I love Lollie stalls like the one you photogaphed!
And as for m&m's..i took a photo almost the same!!..Did'nt end up using it though,The challenges are fun eh?

Donna said...

These are YUMMY Sweetie!!! In Fact, they're melting in my mouth as I type!!Hahaha...Fun Sweets!!! Makes me smile!hughugs

Maria said...

Yes, M and Ms are great! But they dont last long.. Have a nice weekend!

Tabitha said...

Ooooh I love M and Ms!! Great photos!!
love and hugs XXXX

Brenda said...

I love M&Ms so I would have had to hide them from ME. Great photos!

jenn said...


Cindra said...

I don't ever need an excuse to buy sweets... that's my problem. Wow! Looks like you found a great place to buy some.

Jeanne said...

Love the lighting in the first shot. A handful of M & Ms is 'sweet'!

Sally said...

When my daughter comes over with that big ol bag of M&M's, I make her hide them from ME. :)

Great pictures!!

The Hallman Tribe said...

I love MMs. They are so fun to eat, and I love the first photo. Great job on the photo challenge!!!

Sybil said...

Blue are my favorite. They taste the same but I like the blue ones for some reason! Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Yum, plain and peanut! I like them both!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I LOVE M and M's! Great pictures.

Karen M said...

Lovely pictures! The M & M's are great....I want some!!

Amanda said...

That's my problem too! I hide sweets, but end up 'stealing them' Ha-Ha!!
Great Pictures!
Amanda xx