Sharon's Journey Through Life

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Strange Weather

We have had really unpredictable weather lately. Lots of nice, warm days and sudden downpours and some really windy days. This was a three o'clock special, so called because it always happens when the school bell goes and the kids are streaming outside to leave :-) These photos were taken from the library windows. It can be quite an amazing view, and as the only second story building, we get to see a lot more than everyone else. This downpour lasted about forty-five minutes.


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Great pictues of whatis provoing to be very unseasonal weather.
It has really been anything goes lately!

Donna said...

Around here, they call that a frog strangler!

Michele said...

Gosh, it's odd seeing so much rain when here it is bitterly cold and snowing. I would rather see the rain!!! What awesome photos!

Thanks Sharon for dropping by my blog when I was feeling so miserable the last few weeks. I hear that your daughter has epilepsy as well.
I am glad she is doing well.
I'm hoping that I will as well, one day. I know I will, I just have to be patient but I'm exhausted.
Thanks for your support, I really do appreciate it!